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Livestock Uprising (2014) Board Game

Livestock Uprising, released in 2014, is a board game designed by Michael C. Konas and published by an unknown publisher. The game is set in a world where farm animals have risen up against their human oppressors, and players take on the role of animal factions vying for control of territory.

Game Components of Livestock Uprising

  • Modular game board
  • Animal faction miniatures
  • Dice
  • Cards
  • Tokens
  • How To Setup Livestock Uprising

  • Set up the modular board according to the setup instructions.
  • Place the animal faction miniatures on their starting territories.
  • Shuffle the cards and place them in a designated area.
  • Give each player a set of dice and tokens.
  • Gameplay Mechanics and Game Objective

    Players take turns rolling dice and moving their animal factions across the board, trying to gain control of territories through area majority. Players can also use cards to influence the game and gain advantages over their opponents. The objective of the game is to eliminate rival animal factions and control the most territory by the end of the game.

    Player Experience


  • Unique theme of animals rising up against humans
  • Strategic gameplay with dice rolling and area majority mechanics
  • Engaging player interactions and card abilities
  • Cons:

  • Player elimination may lead to long wait times for eliminated players
  • Randomness of dice rolling can sometimes lead to frustration
  • Personal Thoughts on Livestock Uprising

    Livestock Uprising is an interesting take on the territory building genre, with its animal uprising theme adding a fun twist to the gameplay. The game components are well-designed, with detailed miniatures and a modular board that offers replayability. However, the player elimination mechanic and reliance on dice rolling may not appeal to all players. Overall, Livestock Uprising is worth a try for fans of strategic board games looking for a unique theme. It is suitable for players aged 14 and above and can be found both new and used at varying prices. Alternatives to Livestock Uprising include games like Agricola and Catan.

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