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Life Style (1989) Board Game

Life Style is a deduction and party board game that was released in 1989 by designers Christian Raffeiner and Helmut Walch. The game is published by Otto Maier Verlag and features artwork by Thomas di Paolo. With a runtime of 45-60 minutes, Life Style is designed for 3-6 players aged 16 and up. The game revolves around voting and deduction mechanics, making it an engaging and interactive experience for players.

Game Components of Life Style

  • Game Board
  • Player Tokens
  • Voting Cards
  • Lifestyle Cards
  • Money Tokens
  • Lifestyle Tiles
  • How To Setup Life Style

  • Place the game board in the center of the table.
  • Each player selects a player token and places it on the starting space.
  • Shuffle the lifestyle cards and place them face down on the board.
  • Each player receives a set of voting cards and a certain amount of money tokens.
  • The youngest player starts as the first player.
  • Gameplay Mechanics and Game Objective

    In Life Style, players take on the roles of wealthy socialites who must vote on various lifestyle choices to gain popularity and wealth. Players use deduction skills to determine which lifestyle choices will be the most popular among the group. The objective of the game is to accumulate the most wealth and popularity by making the right choices and gaining the most votes from other players.

    Player Experience


  • Engaging deduction mechanics
  • Interactive voting system
  • Strategic gameplay elements
  • High replayability value
  • Cons:

  • Can be overwhelming for new players
  • Requires strong social deduction skills
  • Limited player interaction in some scenarios
  • Personal Thoughts on Life Style

    Life Style is a unique and engaging board game that offers a blend of deduction and party elements. The game’s build quality is solid, with well-designed components that enhance the overall playing experience. While the game may not be suitable for everyone due to its complexity and social deduction aspect, it is certainly worth the time and effort for players who enjoy strategic gameplay and interactive decision-making.

    In terms of pricing and availability, Life Style may be a bit challenging to find as it was released in in 1989. However, it is still possible to purchase new or used copies online through various retailers. For those looking for alternatives or similar games, titles like The Resistance and Secret Hitler offer similar deduction and voting mechanics. Overall, Life Style is a game that caters to players who enjoy social deduction and strategic gameplay, making it a worthwhile addition to any board game collection.

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