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Life of the Amazonia (2023) Board Game

Life of the Amazonia is a board game released in 2023 by Bad Comet. Designed by Jamie Bloom and illustrated by Sophia Kang, the game is set in the lush and vibrant Amazon rainforest, where players take on the role of wildlife conservationists working to protect the diverse ecosystem. With a focus on animals and puzzles, Life of the Amazonia offers a unique and engaging gaming experience for 1 to 4 players.

Game Components of Life of the Amazonia

  • Hexagon grid game board
  • Animal cards
  • Puzzle pieces
  • End game bonuses
  • Player tokens
  • Resource tokens
  • How To Setup Life of the Amazonia

  • Place the hexagon grid game board in the center of the table.
  • Shuffle the animal cards and place them face down on the designated area.
  • Distribute the puzzle pieces evenly among the players.
  • Each player selects a player token and places it on the starting space.
  • Place the end game bonuses within reach of all players.
  • Set up the resource tokens nearby.
  • Gameplay Mechanics and Game Objective

    In Life of the Amazonia, players must work together to protect the Amazon rainforest by collecting sets of animal cards, completing puzzles, and earning end game bonuses. The game combines deck, bag, and pool building with pattern building and set collection mechanics. The main objective is to have the most points by the end of the game, which is achieved through strategic decision-making and collaboration with other players.

    Player Experience


  • Collaborative gameplay fosters teamwork and communication.
  • Beautiful artwork and thematic elements immerse players in the Amazon rainforest setting.
  • Varied mechanics keep the gameplay engaging and dynamic.
  • Replayability due to different combinations of animals, puzzles, and end game bonuses.
  • Cons:

  • Learning curve may be steep for new players.
  • Some players may prefer competitive gameplay over cooperative.
  • Personal Thoughts on Life of the Amazonia

    Overall, Life of the Amazonia is a visually stunning and thematically rich board game that offers a unique gaming experience. The build quality is excellent, with durable components that enhance the immersive nature of the game. The pricing and availability of both new and used copies make it accessible to a wide range of players. For those who enjoy puzzle-solving, set collection, and cooperative gameplay, Life of the Amazonia is definitely worth your time. However, competitive players or those looking for a more traditional board game experience may want to skip this one. Alternatives to consider include games with similar mechanics such as Pandemic or Forbidden Island.

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