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La Bataille d’Orël Octobre 1919 (2007) Board Game

La Bataille d’Orël Octobre 1919 is a board game that was released in in 2007. It is a wargame that is set during the Russian Civil War in October 1919. The game is designed for 2 players and has a runtime of approximately 600 minutes. The designers of the game are Didier Bourgeois, Christophe Camilotte, and Giuseppe Rava.

Game Components of La Bataille d’Orël Octobre 1919

  • Hexagon grid board
  • Dice
  • Various tokens and markers
  • Rulebook
  • How To Setup La Bataille d’Orël Octobre 1919

  • Place the hexagon grid board on the table.
  • Each player chooses a side to play as.
  • Place the tokens and markers in their designated areas on the board.
  • Roll to determine who goes first.
  • Gameplay Mechanics and Game Objective

    Players take turns moving their units on the hexagon grid, using dice to determine outcomes of battles. The objective is to strategically position your units to defeat your opponent and achieve victory.

    Player Experience


  • Historical setting provides a unique gaming experience.
  • Strategic gameplay keeps players engaged for hours.
  • Hexagon grid adds an element of tactical planning.
  • Cons

  • Lengthy runtime may not be suitable for all players.
  • Complex rules may be overwhelming for some.
  • Limited replay value for some players.
  • Personal Thoughts on La Bataille d’Orël Octobre 1919

    La Bataille d’Orël Octobre 1919 is a niche wargame that will appeal to history enthusiasts and fans of strategic gameplay. The game’s components are well-made, and the attention to historical detail is commendable. However, the lengthy runtime and complex rules may deter casual gamers. The pricing and availability of the game may vary, with new copies being harder to find. There are alternatives and similar games available for those interested in exploring different wargaming experiences. Overall, La Bataille d’Orël Octobre 1919 is worth considering for players who enjoy immersive historical wargames, while others may want to skip it due to its time commitment and complexity.

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