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Killer (1981) Board Game

Killer is a board game that was released in 1981 by designer Steve Jackson and published by Descartes Editeur. It falls under the categories of Action / Dexterity, Murder/Mystery, Party Game, Real-time, and Science Fiction.

Game Components of Killer

  • Game board
  • Player tokens
  • Cards with different actions
  • Timer
  • Rulebook
  • How To Setup Killer

  • Set up the game board in a central location.
  • Place the player tokens on their starting positions.
  • Shuffle the action cards and place them face down.
  • Set the timer for 360 minutes.
  • Gameplay Mechanics and Game Objective

    The objective of Killer is to be the last player standing by eliminating other players through various actions on the cards. Players must strategize and work as a team to outwit their opponents and survive until the end of the game.

    Player Experience


  • Exciting and fast-paced gameplay
  • Team-based mechanics add a strategic element
  • Suitable for large groups of players
  • **Cons:**

  • Long runtime may be off-putting for some players
  • Player elimination can lead to frustration
  • Personal Thoughts on Killer

    Killer is a unique board game that offers a thrilling experience for players looking for a mix of strategy and action. The game’s build quality is decent, and the artwork by Denis Loubet, Kyle Miller, and Dan Smith adds to the immersive experience. The pricing and availability of the game, both new and used, can vary, so it’s worth shopping around for the best deal.

    There are alternatives and similar games to Killer, such as Werewolf and Mafia, which offer similar gameplay mechanics. Whether Killer is worth your time depends on your preference for team-based games with player elimination. It is recommended for players who enjoy a challenge and are looking for a fun party game to play with a large group. However, those who prefer shorter game runtimes or do not enjoy player elimination mechanics may want to skip this one.

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