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Karibou Camp (2016) Board Game

Karibou Camp is a fun and engaging party game designed by Rémy Tornior and published by Gigamic in in 2016. The game is suitable for 3–7 players, with a runtime of around 20 minutes. It falls under the categories of Action / Dexterity and Party Game, making it perfect for social gatherings and game nights. The game is designed for players aged 8 and above, making it accessible to a wide range of audiences.

Game Components of Karibou Camp

  • 1 game board
  • 7 wooden deer figures
  • 7 wooden tokens
  • 30 camp tiles
  • 15 animal cards
  • 1 die
  • How To Setup Karibou Camp

  • Place the game board in the center of the playing area.
  • Shuffle the camp tiles and place them face down on the board.
  • Each player chooses a deer figure and places it on a starting space.
  • Shuffle the animal cards and place them within reach of all players.
  • Gameplay Mechanics and Game Objective

    In Karibou Camp, players must work together in teams to gather resources and complete challenges. The game involves a mix of dexterity and strategy, as players must navigate the game board and make decisions as a team. The objective is to collect the most animal cards and complete the camp tiles to earn points for your team.

    Player Experience


  • Engaging team-based gameplay
  • Easy to learn and quick to play
  • Dexterity elements add a fun challenge
  • Suitable for a wide range of ages
  • Cons:

  • Limited replay value
  • Can be dependent on luck at times
  • Personal Thoughts on Karibou Camp

    Karibou Camp is a well-designed party game that offers a unique blend of dexterity and strategy. The game components are of high quality, and the artwork is charming and appealing. While the game may not have high replay value, it is still a fun and enjoyable experience, especially for social gatherings or family game nights. The pricing for Karibou Camp is reasonable, and it is readily available both new and used. If you enjoy team-based games and are looking for something different to add to your collection, Karibou Camp is definitely worth your time. It is suitable for players of all ages and is a great option for those who enjoy light-hearted and interactive gameplay. However, if you prefer more competitive or complex games, you may want to skip this one in favor of something with a bit more depth.

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