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Kampf gegen das Spiessertum (2017) Board Game

Kampf gegen das Spiessertum’ is a German card game that translates to ‘Battle against Philistinism’ in English. It was released in 2017 and designed by Angela Vögtli. The game is known for its mature humor and is intended for adult players.

Game Components of Kampf gegen das Spiessertum

  • 200 Cards with various humorous and mature content
  • Rulebook
  • How To Setup Kampf gegen das Spiessertum

  • Shuffle the deck of cards.
  • Each player is dealt a hand of cards.
  • Choose a starting player.
  • Follow the rules outlined in the rulebook to determine the game setup.
  • Gameplay Mechanics and Game Objective

    The game utilizes hand management and simultaneous action selection mechanics. Players will play cards from their hand to either help themselves or hinder their opponents. The objective is to be the first player to reach a certain number of points or achieve a specific goal outlined in the rulebook.

    Player Experience


  • The game offers a unique and humorous experience.
  • It is a great party game for adults.
  • The artwork and design of the cards are well done.
  • Cons:

  • The game may not be suitable for all players due to its mature content.
  • The gameplay can be repetitive after multiple plays.
  • The runtime of 30-500 minutes may be too long for some players.
  • Personal Thoughts on Kampf gegen das Spiessertum

    ‘Kampf gegen das Spiessertum’ is a game that caters to a specific audience who enjoy mature humor and party games. The game’s design and artwork are well-crafted, adding to the overall experience. However, the gameplay may become repetitive over time, and the game’s runtime can be quite lengthy. Overall, if you enjoy adult party games and have a group of players who appreciate this type of humor, ‘Kampf gegen das Spiessertum’ may be worth your time. It is recommended for adults who enjoy games with a bit of edge and are looking for a fun party game to add to their collection. However, if you are not a fan of mature content or repetitive gameplay, you may want to skip this one.

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