A sealed board game titled "John Company Second Edition" with a design by Cole Wehrle, featuring a red-toned colonial-era illustration with ships and historical figures.
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John Company (2017)

John Company

“John Company” is a board game that revolves around the fortunes of the British East India Company (EIC), also known as “John Company,” as it traded with India and China, raised armies, and played a significant role in the history of the East Indies.

Why is John Company Popular?

John Company is a popular and significant board game for several reasons:
– Historical Accuracy: The game allows players to experience some of the issues that affected the historical EIC between 1710 and the 1860s, such as conquering Indian kingdoms, installing a Governor-General, and trafficking opium to China.
– Strategic Gameplay: The game combines economic and strategic elements, requiring players to make decisions based on historical context and their knowledge of the EIC’s operations.
– Positive Reception: John Company has received positive reviews and was featured on Smithsonian magazine’s list of the best board games of 2022.

Game Components of John Company

The Game Components of John Company include:
– Board: The board displays a map of India, rewards for employees who retire, and information about the Company and the game state.
– Cubes: Players move cubes representing family members, ships, and barrels (representing guns or goods).
– Promise Cards: Each player receives a set of five promise cards, which they may use when negotiating with other players.

Game Setup of John Company

Each player represents a family owning shares in, or having members working for, the East India Company.Players receive random bonuses, such as money, positions in the Company, influence on the Prime Minister, and promise cards.The game is played in four phases, each with its own set of rules and objectives.

Gameplay Mechanics of John Company

John Company is a strategic board game that combines economic and political elements. Players move their cubes around the board, acquiring and trading goods, hiring Indians to assist them, and making decisions based on historical context and their knowledge of the EIC’s operations.

Game Objective of John Company

The game’s objective is to gain the most points by trading, acquiring goods, and controlling territories in India and China.

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