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Jitters (1986) Board Game

Jitters is a real-time word game that was released in 1986 by various publishers such as Hasbro, Milton Bradley, and Virgo. The game is designed for 1 to 99 players, but it is best played with 1 to 2 players. The game involves dice rolling and spelling mechanics, making it a fun and fast-paced game for players aged 10 and up.

Game Components of Jitters

  • Jitters game board
  • 20-sided letter die
  • 4 wooden letter pawns
  • Sand timer
  • Score pad
  • Pencil
  • Instructions
  • How To Setup Jitters

  • Place the Jitters game board in the center of the table.
  • Each player chooses a letter pawn and places it on the starting space.
  • Roll the 20-sided letter die to determine the starting letter.
  • Set the sand timer for 30 minutes.
  • You’re ready to start playing!
  • Gameplay Mechanics and Game Objective

    In Jitters, players race against the clock to come up with words that start with the chosen letter. Players take turns rolling the 20-sided letter die to change the starting letter and then race to come up with words before the sand timer runs out. The player with the most words at the end of the game wins.

    Player Experience


  • Fast-paced and exciting gameplay
  • Great for improving vocabulary and spelling skills
  • Easy to learn and quick to set up
  • Can be played solo or with a partner
  • Cons:

  • Limited replay value
  • Some players may find the pressure of the timer stressful
  • Not suitable for large groups
  • Personal Thoughts on Jitters

    Jitters is a fun and engaging word game that can be enjoyed by players of all ages. The game components are well-made and durable, ensuring that it will last for many game nights to come. While the game may not have a high replay value, it is still a great option for a quick and entertaining game session. The pricing and availability of Jitters may vary, but it can usually be found at a reasonable price both new and used.

    If you enjoy real-time word games and are looking for a fun and challenging game to test your vocabulary skills, Jitters is definitely worth your time. It is perfect for solo play or a cozy game night with a friend or family member. However, if you prefer games with more strategic depth or are looking for a game to play with a larger group, you may want to skip Jitters and explore other options. Some alternatives to Jitters include Boggle, Bananagrams, and Word on the Street.

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