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Jewels in the Attic (1992) Board Game

Jewels in the Attic is a board game that was released in 1992 by Discovery Toys and Imagine-Action Games. It is a children’s game with a fantasy theme, where players take on the role of adventurers searching for hidden treasures in an attic.

Game Components of Jewels in the Attic

  • Game board
  • 6 character pawns
  • 18 jewel cards
  • Spinner
  • Rulebook
  • How To Setup Jewels in the Attic

  • Place the game board in the center of the table.
  • Shuffle the jewel cards and place them face down on the designated space on the board.
  • Each player chooses a character pawn and places it on the start space.
  • Spin the spinner to determine who goes first.
  • Gameplay Mechanics and Game Objective

    Players take turns spinning the spinner and moving their character pawn along the board. When landing on a space, players draw a jewel card and follow the instructions on it. The objective is to collect the most jewels by the end of the game.

    Player Experience


  • Simple and easy to learn for children aged 8 and older.
  • The fantasy theme adds an element of fun and imagination to the gameplay.
  • Can accommodate a large number of players, making it great for group play.
  • Cons

  • The game may lack depth and strategy for more experienced gamers.
  • The game components may feel a bit dated compared to newer board games on the market.
  • Personal Thoughts on Jewels in the Attic

    Overall, Jewels in the Attic is a decent children’s game with a fun theme and simple gameplay mechanics. While it may not offer a deep gaming experience for more seasoned players, it can be a great choice for family game nights or gatherings with younger players. The game’s availability may be limited, but it can be found through online retailers or secondhand markets. If you’re looking for a light and enjoyable game to play with kids, Jewels in the Attic could be worth your time. However, if you’re seeking a more complex and strategic board game experience, you may want to consider alternative options.

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