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Jakub Wędrowycz: Dziki Samogon (2022) Board Game

Jakub Wędrowycz: Dziki Samogon is a board game based on the popular Polish novel series by Andrzej Pilipiuk. The game captures the essence of the novels, which blend elements of fantasy, horror, and dark humor. Players take on the role of characters from the novels, navigating through the world created by Pilipiuk.

Game Components of Jakub Wędrowycz: Dziki Samogon

  • Cards featuring characters and events from the novels
  • Game board representing the world of Jakub Wędrowycz
  • Tokens for tracking player progress
  • Rulebook for gameplay instructions
  • How To Setup Jakub Wędrowycz: Dziki Samogon

  • Lay out the game board in the center of the table.
  • Shuffle the cards and place them face down in a draw pile.
  • Each player chooses a character card and places it in front of them.
  • Distribute the tokens to each player.
  • Determine the starting player and begin gameplay.
  • Gameplay Mechanics and Game Objective

    In Jakub Wędrowycz: Dziki Samogon, players work together to overcome challenges and complete quests based on events from the novels. The game uses multi-use cards, allowing players to strategize and make decisions based on the cards in their hand. The objective is to successfully complete quests and advance through the game board while facing various obstacles.

    Player Experience


  • Immersive theme based on a popular novel series
  • Cooperative gameplay encourages teamwork and strategy
  • Replay value with different quests and events
  • Quick gameplay with a runtime of 45 minutes
  • Cons:

  • Limited player count of 2-4 players
  • Some components may feel repetitive after multiple plays
  • Personal Thoughts on Jakub Wędrowycz: Dziki Samogon

    Jakub Wędrowycz: Dziki Samogon offers a unique gaming experience for fans of the novel series. The game captures the essence of the novels while providing engaging gameplay mechanics. The build quality of the components is solid, and the artwork reflects the dark and humorous tone of the source material. Pricing and availability can vary, but for fans of the novels or those looking for a cooperative card game with a twist, Jakub Wędrowycz: Dziki Samogon is worth considering. However, casual gamers or those unfamiliar with the novels may find other alternatives more suitable for their preferences.

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