A board game named "JAIPUR" with an illustration of a bearded man in traditional Indian attire holding a blue pot, sitting beside trade goods and a camel, with Indian architecture in the background.
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Jaipur (2009)


Jaipur is a card game for two players that was created by Sébastien Pauchon in 2009 and published by Asmodee GameWorks. The game is set in the Indian city of Jaipur, where players assume the roles of powerful merchants hoping to become the personal trader of the Maharaja by amassing more riches than their opponent.

Why is Jaipur Popular?

Jaipur has received favorable reviews, with many acknowledging its simplicity yet sufficient depth. It has won several awards, including the 2010 Fairplay À la carte Winner (Germany), the 2010 International Gamers Award
– General Strategy: Two-players (Global), and the 2011 Games Magazine Best New Family Card Game Winner (USA). The game is also part of the Mind Sports Olympiad 2020 competition.

Game Components of Jaipur

55 cards (60 in the new edition)60 tokens (in the new edition)1 rulebook

Game Setup of Jaipur

Shuffle the deck of cards and place it in the center of the table.Place the tokens in a pile next to the deck.Each player starts with a hand of five cards.

Gameplay Mechanics of Jaipur

On a player’s turn, they can either take cards or sell cards. If they take cards, they have to choose between taking all the camels in the center of the table, taking one card from the market, or taking multiple cards from the market. If they sell cards, they can sell one or more cards of the same type from their hand and receive tokens in exchange. The game ends when three piles of cards have been depleted, and the player with the most tokens wins.

Game Objective of Jaipur

The objective of the game is to become the personal trader of the Maharaja by amassing more riches than the opponent. Players can earn points by selling sets of cards, with rarer sets earning more points.

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