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Islebound (2016) Board Game

Islebound is a board game released in 2016 and designed by Ryan Laukat. It is published by Red Raven Games and falls under the categories of fantasy, nautical, and pirates. The game is designed for 2-4 players, with the best gameplay experience being with 3-4 players. Players take on the role of captains navigating the seas, building their fleets, and establishing influence over islands.

Game Components of Islebound

  • Game board
  • Player boards
  • Wooden ships
  • Influence tokens
  • Resource tokens
  • Event cards
  • Crew cards
  • Dice
  • How To Setup Islebound

  • Place the game board in the center of the table.
  • Each player chooses a color and takes the corresponding player board, influence tokens, and wooden ships.
  • Shuffle the event cards and place them face down on the board.
  • Place resource tokens on the designated spaces on the board.
  • Each player starts with a certain number of crew cards and influence tokens.
  • The player who most recently traveled by boat goes first.
  • Gameplay Mechanics and Game Objective

    In Islebound, players take turns moving their ships around the board, collecting resources, hiring crew members, and building structures on islands to gain influence. The objective of the game is to have the most influence points by the end of the game, which is triggered when a player builds their seventh structure or when all the influence tokens are placed on the board.

    Player Experience


  • Beautiful artwork and components
  • Strategic gameplay with multiple paths to victory
  • Engaging theme of exploration and conquest
  • Replayability with different strategies to try out
  • Cons:

  • Can be a bit complex for new players
  • Some luck involved with dice rolling
  • Limited player interaction
  • Personal Thoughts on Islebound

    Islebound is a visually stunning game with a unique theme that sets it apart from other board games. The gameplay offers a good balance of strategy and luck, making each playthrough different and engaging. The build quality of the components is top-notch, adding to the overall immersive experience.

    In terms of pricing and availability, Islebound can be found both new and used at varying prices. It falls into the mid-range category in terms of pricing, making it accessible to most board game enthusiasts.

    For those who enjoy games with a fantasy nautical theme and strategic gameplay, Islebound is definitely worth your time. However, players who prefer high player interaction may find it lacking in that aspect. Overall, Islebound is a solid choice for players looking for a challenging and immersive board game experience.

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