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Iron Horse (1983)

Iron Horse

Iron Horse is a board game published by Icarus Games in 1983. The game is set in the historical era of the railroad network in the United States, where the country was divided into a transportation system spanning North America. The game is significant because it provides players with a simulation of the railroad industry in the United States during the 19th century.

Game Components of Iron Horse

– Game board
– Rolling Stock Deck
– Operations Deck
– Money
– Train tokens
– Player markers

Game Setup of Iron Horse

Each player draws cards from the Rolling Stock Deck and uses them to construct a passenger or freight train. Players then draw cards from the Operations Deck to determine their actions for the turn. Players start with a set amount of money.

Gameplay Mechanics of Iron Horse

Players use their train tokens to move around the board and deliver goods to different cities. Players can also buy and sell stocks in different railroad companies to earn money. The game ends when a player reaches a set amount of money.

Game Objective of Iron Horse

The objective of the game is to earn the most money by delivering goods and investing in railroad companies.

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