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Inca Empire: The Card Game (2020) Board Game

Inca Empire: The Card Game is a strategic card game set in the ancient Inca civilization. Players take on the roles of rival Inca rulers vying for control over territories and resources. The game is designed to capture the essence of the Inca Empire’s expansion and conquests.

Game Components of Inca Empire: The Card Game

  • 120 Territory Cards
  • 60 Resource Cards
  • 40 Event Cards
  • Rulebook
  • How To Setup Inca Empire: The Card Game

  • Shuffle the Territory Cards and place them face down in the center of the play area.
  • Each player is dealt a starting hand of Resource Cards.
  • Shuffle the Event Cards and place them in a separate deck.
  • Determine the first player and begin the game.
  • Gameplay Mechanics and Game Objective

    In Inca Empire: The Card Game, players must strategically manage their resources, expand their territories, and navigate through various events to earn victory points. The game combines elements of hand management, hidden victory points, and open drafting to create a challenging and immersive experience.

    The objective of the game is to accumulate the most victory points by the end of the game. Players can earn points through territorial conquests, resource management, and completing specific objectives outlined on the Event Cards.

    Player Experience


  • Strategic depth and replayability
  • Engaging gameplay mechanics
  • Thematic immersion in the Inca civilization
  • Balanced mix of luck and skill
  • Cons:

  • Steep learning curve for new players
  • Limited player interaction
  • Some may find the game pacing slow
  • Personal Thoughts on Inca Empire: The Card Game

    Inca Empire: The Card Game offers a unique blend of strategy and theme that appeals to fans of ancient civilizations and card games. The game’s artwork and components are well-designed, enhancing the overall experience. While the game may not be suitable for casual players due to its complexity, it provides a rewarding challenge for those willing to invest time and effort into mastering its mechanics.

    In terms of pricing and availability, Inca Empire: The Card Game can vary depending on the seller and condition of the game. As for alternatives, players may also enjoy similar card games like 7 Wonders or Race for the Galaxy.

    Overall, Inca Empire: The Card Game is worth considering for players who enjoy strategic card games with a historical theme. It offers a rich and immersive experience that will appeal to fans of the Inca civilization and those looking for a challenging gameplay experience. However, casual players or those seeking more player interaction may want to skip this game in favor of lighter options.

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