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In Country: Vietnam 1965-1975 (2013) Board Game

In Country: Vietnam 1965-1975 is a board game that focuses on the Vietnam War, a conflict that took place between 1965 and

  • The game allows players to take on the roles of either the North Vietnamese or the United States forces as they engage in tactical combat on a hexagon grid battlefield. Designed by Joseph Miranda and published by Decision Games in 2013, this wargame provides a strategic and immersive experience of this historical period.
  • Game Components of In Country: Vietnam 1965-1975

  • Game board
  • Rulebook
  • Counters representing military units
  • Dice
  • Player aid cards
  • How To Setup In Country: Vietnam 1965-1975

  • Place the game board in the center of the table.
  • Separate and organize the counters for each player’s military units.
  • Place any additional markers or tokens as indicated by the rulebook.
  • Each player selects their faction (North Vietnamese or United States) and places their units on the designated starting positions.
  • Gameplay Mechanics and Game Objective

    The gameplay of In Country: Vietnam 1965-1975 revolves around strategic movement and combat on the hexagon grid battlefield. Players must carefully plan their actions, considering the terrain and the capabilities of their units. The objective varies depending on the scenario being played, with victory conditions determined by the specific mission.

    Player Experience: Pros and Cons


  • Engaging gameplay that requires strategic thinking
  • Historical accuracy in terms of unit capabilities and terrain effects
  • Tension-filled battles that capture the essence of the Vietnam War
  • Cons:

  • Steep learning curve for new players
  • Limited replay value due to fixed scenarios
  • Game length can be prolonged, especially for inexperienced players
  • Personal Thoughts on In Country: Vietnam 1965-1975

    In Country: Vietnam 1965-1975 offers a deep and immersive experience of the Vietnam War, allowing players to engage in tactical combat and strategic decision-making. The game’s components are well-designed, and the historical accuracy adds to the overall appeal. However, the learning curve may be challenging for newcomers, and the limited replay value could be a drawback for some players. Overall, if you are a fan of wargames and have an interest in the Vietnam War era, this game is definitely worth your time. It is recommended for players who enjoy historical accuracy and strategic gameplay. Those who prefer more casual or fast-paced games may want to skip this one.

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