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Höchste Eisenbahn (2012) Board Game

Höchste Eisenbahn is a card game designed by Dennis Lohausen and released in in 2012. It is a game suitable for children aged 5 and up, with a theme centered around trains and pattern building.

Game Components of Höchste Eisenbahn

  • A deck of cards featuring different train cars
  • Player tokens to keep track of points
  • Rulebook
  • How To Setup Höchste Eisenbahn

  • Shuffle the deck of cards.
  • Deal a specific number of cards to each player, depending on the number of players.
  • Place the remaining cards in the center to form a draw pile.
  • Each player takes turns drawing and playing cards to create patterns and earn points.
  • Gameplay Mechanics and Game Objective

    In Höchste Eisenbahn, players aim to create the longest train car sequences by matching colors and numbers on the cards. Players earn points based on the length of their train sequences and the variety of colors used.

    Player Experience


  • Simple rules and easy to learn
  • Quick gameplay, perfect for short sessions
  • Engaging for children and adults alike
  • Cons:

  • Limited depth and strategic options
  • Luck plays a significant role in card draws
  • Personal Thoughts on Höchste Eisenbahn

    Höchste Eisenbahn is a charming card game that is great for family game nights or casual play with friends. The game’s theme of trains and pattern building adds an enjoyable element to the gameplay. However, the game may lack depth for more experienced gamers looking for complex strategies. For its category as a children’s game, Höchste Eisenbahn offers fun and engaging gameplay at a reasonable price point. It is worth considering for families with young children or casual gamers looking for a light and entertaining game to play. However, serious gamers seeking more strategic depth may find it lacking in complexity.

    Overall, Höchste Eisenbahn is a well-designed game that serves its intended audience well. Its availability in both new and used markets makes it accessible to a wide range of players. As an alternative, players may also enjoy similar games in the card game or trains category, such as Ticket to Ride or Colt Express. Ultimately, whether Höchste Eisenbahn is worth your time depends on your gaming preferences and the type of experience you are seeking. It is a game that may be best suited for families or casual gamers looking for a light and enjoyable gameplay experience.

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