A board game box titled "HISTORY OF THE WORLD" with an illustration showing a progression of historical figures across different eras lined up diagonally across from a globe, and the logo for "Gibsons Games" in the bottom right corner.
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History of the World (2018)

History of the World

“History of the World” is a board game designed by Ragnar Brothers and originally published in 1991. The game takes players through the history of humankind, from ancient Sumeria to the pre-World War I era, with each player controlling a new rising empire. The game has been redesigned and updated over the years, with the 2018 edition featuring five epochs and the 2009 edition featuring six epochs.

Why is History of the World Popular?

The game is popular because it provides a hands-on experience of history, allowing players to learn about different eras and empires while having fun. It has been well-received, winning the Origins Award for “Best Pre-20th Century Boardgame of 1993”. Additionally, the game’s concept of scoring based on control of a region influenced the design of other board games, such as Twilight Struggle (2005).

Game Components of History of the World

The Game Components of History of the World include:
– Board
– Score markers
– Armies
– Event cards
– Region tokens
– Supply

Game Setup of History of the World

Choose colors: Each player selects a color and takes the corresponding score marker and armies.Place board: Position the board in the center of the table.Prepare score markers: Place the score markers in a line in front of each player.Prepare region tokens: Sort the region tokens by the Roman numeral shown on the back and place each pile near the empire deck of the same epoch.Prepare supply: Sort the remaining pieces into individual piles by type and place them near the board.

Gameplay Mechanics of History of the World

The game is played over several epochs, with each player controlling a different empire in each epoch. Players take turns to expand their empire across the globe, gaining points for their conquests. The game ends when one player has their immortal name etched into the annals of history, having accumulated the most points throughout the game.

Game Objective of History of the World

The objective of the game is to forge a prosperous empire and defeat adversaries, accumulating points throughout the game. The player with the most points at the end of the game wins.

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