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Hedgehog’s Revenge! (1980) Board Game

Hedgehog’s Revenge! is a board game that was released in in 1980. It is designed by Derek Matthews and features artwork by BV Leisure Ltd and Paul Lamond Games Ltd. The game falls under the categories of Action/Dexterity, Animals, Humor Racing, and Trivia. With a runtime of 60 minutes, it can accommodate 2 to 12 players, making it a great choice for game nights with a larger group.

Game Components of Hedgehog’s Revenge!

  • Game board
  • Dice
  • Player pieces in the shape of hedgehogs
  • Question cards
  • Pawns
  • Spinner
  • How To Setup Hedgehog’s Revenge!

  • Set up the game board in the center of the table.
  • Each player selects a hedgehog player piece and places it on the starting point.
  • Shuffle the question cards and place them face down.
  • Place the spinner and dice within reach of all players.
  • Gameplay Mechanics and Game Objective

    In Hedgehog’s Revenge!, players take turns rolling the dice and moving their hedgehog player pieces along the board. Along the way, they may encounter challenges in the form of question cards that they must answer correctly to progress. The overall objective is to be the first player to reach the finish line.

    Player Experience


  • Fun and lighthearted gameplay
  • Suitable for a wide range of players with different interests
  • Encourages social interaction and teamwork
  • Cons:

  • Some may find the gameplay repetitive after multiple plays
  • Question cards may become predictable over time
  • Personal Thoughts on Hedgehog’s Revenge!

    Hedgehog’s Revenge! is a charming board game that offers a mix of trivia, luck, and strategy. While the components are well-made and the gameplay is engaging, the replay value may be limited for some players. The game falls into a unique category that combines various elements, making it stand out from traditional board games. However, the pricing and availability of both new and used copies may vary, so it’s worth considering if it aligns with your preferences and gaming style. For those looking for a light-hearted and entertaining game night option, Hedgehog’s Revenge! is definitely worth a try. However, individuals seeking more complex or strategic gameplay may want to explore alternative options.

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