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Händler der Karibik (2013) Board Game

‘Händler der Karibik’ is a card game that was released in in 2013. Designed by Klemens Franz and featuring artwork by Österreichisches Spiele Museum e.V., the game is set in the Caribbean and revolves around the theme of pirates and nautical trading. It is a game that combines elements of open drafting, push your luck, and set collection, making for a fast-paced and strategic gaming experience.

Game Components of Händler der Karibik

  • Deck of cards featuring different goods and pirate ships
  • Player boards
  • Tokens for scoring
  • Rulebook
  • How To Setup Händler der Karibik

  • Shuffle the deck of cards and place it in the center of the table.
  • Each player receives a player board and tokens.
  • Determine a starting player.
  • Deal a hand of cards to each player.
  • Begin the game!
  • Gameplay Mechanics and Game Objective

    In ‘Händler der Karibik,’ players take on the roles of merchants in the Caribbean, trading goods and collecting sets of cards to earn points. The game involves making strategic decisions about which cards to keep and which to pass on to other players in an effort to build the most valuable collection. The objective is to have the most points at the end of the game by collecting sets of cards and utilizing special abilities.

    Player Experience


  • Fast-paced gameplay
  • Strategic decision-making
  • Beautiful artwork
  • Easy to learn
  • Cons:

  • Limited replayability
  • Luck can play a significant role
  • Can be repetitive after multiple plays
  • Personal Thoughts on Händler der Karibik

    Overall, ‘Händler der Karibik’ is a solid card game that offers a fun and engaging experience for players. The game’s theme and artwork are well-executed, and the mechanics provide a good balance of strategy and luck. While it may not have the depth or complexity of some other games in the genre, it is a great option for casual gaming sessions or as an introduction to the world of card games. The game is reasonably priced and widely available, making it accessible to a wide range of players. For those who enjoy nautical and pirate themes, ‘Händler der Karibik’ is definitely worth checking out. However, for more experienced gamers looking for a deeper and more challenging experience, this game may not be the best fit.

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