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Hanafuda: Sakura + Sutda (2015) Board Game

Hanafuda, which translates to “flower cards” in Japanese, is a traditional Japanese card game that dates back to the 18th century. The game uses a deck of cards featuring various plants and animals associated with each month of the year. Hanafuda: Sakura + Sutda is a modern twist on this classic game, incorporating elements of the Korean card game Sutda to create a unique and engaging experience for players.

Game Components of Hanafuda: Sakura + Sutda

  • Deck of Hanafuda cards
  • Sutda sticks
  • Rulebook
  • How To Setup Hanafuda: Sakura + Sutda

  • Shuffle the deck of Hanafuda cards and deal a set number of cards to each player.
  • Place the Sutda sticks in the center of the play area.
  • Follow the rules for determining the starting player.
  • Gameplay Mechanics and Game Objective

    In Hanafuda: Sakura + Sutda, players must collect sets of cards based on the traditional hanafuda suits and values. They can also use the Sutda sticks to strategically block their opponents from completing sets. The objective of the game is to earn the most points by the end of the game through collecting valuable card combinations.

    Player Experience


  • Unique blend of Hanafuda and Sutda mechanics
  • Strategic gameplay with elements of luck
  • Beautiful artwork by Pascal Boucher
  • Cons:

  • Steep learning curve for new players
  • Limited player interaction in larger groups
  • Personal Thoughts on Hanafuda: Sakura + Sutda

    As a fan of traditional card games, I found Hanafuda: Sakura + Sutda to be a refreshing take on the classic hanafuda game. The combination of hanafuda and Sutda mechanics added a layer of strategy that kept me engaged throughout the game. The artwork by Pascal Boucher was stunning and added to the overall appeal of the game.

    In terms of build quality, the cards and Sutda sticks were well-made and durable. The game falls under the card game category and is reasonably priced for the components included. It may not be suitable for players looking for a quick and casual gaming experience, but for those who enjoy strategic card games, Hanafuda: Sakura + Sutda is definitely worth a try.

    Overall, I would recommend Hanafuda: Sakura + Sutda to fans of traditional card games and players looking for a unique and challenging gaming experience. It may not be suitable for younger children due to the complexity of the rules, but for teens and adults, this game offers a rewarding and engaging gameplay experience.

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