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Gooey Louie (1995) Board Game

Gooey Louie is a fun and silly board game that was first released in in 1995. It is designed for players aged 7 and up and can accommodate 2 to 8 players. The game is all about pulling boogers out of Louie’s nose, making it a hilarious and gross game that is sure to entertain players of all ages.

Game Components of Gooey Louie

  • Gooey Louie figure
  • 1 base
  • 1 jumping brain
  • 1 spinner
  • 13 gooeys
  • How To Setup Gooey Louie

  • Assemble Gooey Louie figure on the base.
  • Place the jumping brain in Louie’s head.
  • Place gooeys in Louie’s nose.
  • Spin the spinner to determine who goes first.
  • Gameplay Mechanics and Game Objective

    Players take turns pulling gooeys out of Louie’s nose. If a player pulls the wrong gooey, Louie’s brain pops out and that player loses the game. The last player standing wins the game.

    Player Experience


  • Hilarious and gross gameplay that is sure to entertain players
  • Simple gameplay mechanics make it easy for all ages to play
  • Cons

  • Game may lose its novelty after multiple plays
  • Components may not be of the highest quality
  • Personal Thoughts on Gooey Louie

    Gooey Louie is a fun and silly game that is perfect for casual game nights or family gatherings. While the gameplay may lose its novelty after a few plays, the initial laughter and entertainment value make it worth adding to your collection. The build quality of the components may not be the best, but the affordable price point makes it a great option for a light-hearted game night. Overall, Gooey Louie is a game that is worth your time if you enjoy silly and gross humor.

    If you’re looking for similar games, alternatives like “Pop the Pig” or “Doggy Doo” offer similar gameplay experiences. Gooey Louie is best suited for families or groups who enjoy light-hearted and silly games. Players who prefer more strategic or serious games may want to skip Gooey Louie.

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