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Go Nuts for Donuts (2017) Board Game

Go Nuts for Donuts is a card game designed by Zachary Eagle and published by Gamewright in in 2017. The game falls into the categories of bluffing, card game, and deduction, with gameplay centered around open drafting and set collection mechanics. The game is suitable for 2 to 6 players, with a recommended player count of 4 to 5, and has a runtime of approximately 20 minutes. The age recommendation for Go Nuts for Donuts is 8 and up.

Game Components of Go Nuts for Donuts:

  • Deck of donut cards
  • Player reference cards
  • Score pad
  • Rulebook
  • How To Setup Go Nuts for Donuts:

  • Shuffle the deck of donut cards and deal a hand of cards to each player.
  • Place the remaining deck in the center of the play area.
  • Create a discard pile next to the deck.
  • Each player takes a player reference card.
  • Gameplay Mechanics and Game Objective:

    In Go Nuts for Donuts, players are competing to collect the most valuable sets of donut cards. Each round, players simultaneously choose a donut card from their hand to play facedown. Once all players have chosen, the cards are revealed, and players must bid on the donut they want to add to their collection. However, players must be strategic in their choices, as the highest bidder may not always get their desired donut.

    The objective of the game is to collect sets of donut cards with the highest point values to earn the most points by the end of the game.

    Player Experience:


  • Quick gameplay with simple rules makes it easy for players of all ages to enjoy.
  • Strategic depth in bluffing and deduction elements adds an exciting twist to the game.
  • The cute and colorful artwork on the donut cards enhances the overall experience.
  • Cons:

  • Limited player interaction may not appeal to those looking for more social gameplay.
  • The luck factor in card draws can sometimes lead to frustrating outcomes.
  • Personal Thoughts on Go Nuts for Donuts:

    Go Nuts for Donuts is a fun and engaging card game that offers a mix of strategy and luck. The game’s compact size and quick gameplay make it a great choice for casual gaming sessions or family game nights. While the game may not offer deep complexity or high replay value for more experienced gamers, it is well-suited for those looking for a light and enjoyable gaming experience.

    In terms of build quality, the cardstock used for the donut cards is durable and ensures that the game can withstand repeated plays. Pricing and availability for both new and used copies of the game are reasonable, making it accessible to a wide range of players. For those interested in similar games, Go Nuts for Donuts is worth considering for its unique blend of mechanics and theme. However, players who prefer more strategic depth or intense player interaction may want to look for alternatives. Overall, Go Nuts for Donuts is a charming and delightful game that is worth your time, especially for families or casual gamers looking for a light and entertaining experience.

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