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Gib Gas! (2014) Board Game

Gib Gas! is a fast-paced board game that was released in in 2014. Designed by Klemens Franz and Andreas Resch, the game is all about bluffing, bidding, and racing to victory. With a playtime of around 20 minutes and suitable for players aged 8 and up, Gib Gas! offers a thrilling and competitive gaming experience.

Game Components of Gib Gas!

  • Deck of racing cards
  • Player boards
  • Betting tokens
  • Victory point tokens
  • Starting player marker
  • How To Setup Gib Gas!

  • Shuffle the racing cards and deal a hand to each player.
  • Place the player boards in the center of the table.
  • Distribute the betting tokens and victory point tokens to each player.
  • Determine the starting player.
  • Gameplay Mechanics and Game Objective

    In Gib Gas!, players take on the role of race car drivers trying to outsmart their opponents. Through bluffing and bidding, players aim to control the speed of their cars and cross the finish line first. The game combines elements of auction/bidding and simultaneous action selection, making each round unpredictable and exciting. The objective is to accumulate the most victory points by winning races and placing successful bets.

    Player Experience


  • Fast-paced gameplay keeps players engaged
  • Strategic bluffing adds a thrilling element of deception
  • Easy to learn and suitable for players of all ages
  • Components are well-designed and visually appealing
  • Cons:

  • Limited player interaction may not appeal to all gamers
  • Luck plays a significant role in determining outcomes
  • Replayability may be a concern for some players
  • Personal Thoughts on Gib Gas!

    Gib Gas! is a fun and entertaining board game that offers a unique twist on the racing genre. The blend of bluffing and bidding mechanics creates a dynamic and engaging gaming experience. While luck can influence the outcome of races, strategic decision-making and clever tactics can still lead to victory. The game’s build quality is solid, and the artwork by Carrera Tabletop Games is top-notch.

    In terms of pricing and availability, Gib Gas! can be found at reasonable prices both new and used. For fans of bluffing games and racing themes, Gib Gas! is definitely worth your time. However, players who prefer heavy strategy or intense player interaction may want to consider alternatives. Overall, Gib Gas! is a great choice for families, casual gamers, and anyone looking for a light-hearted and enjoyable gaming experience.

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