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Fugger, Welser, Medici (1994) Board Game

Fugger, Welser, Medici is a board game released in 1994 and designed by Doris Matthäus. It is set in the medieval period and focuses on economic, political, and negotiation elements. Players take on the roles of wealthy trading families and compete to amass wealth and influence.

Game Components of Fugger, Welser, Medici

  • Game board
  • Player tokens
  • Resource cards
  • Money tokens
  • Influence markers
  • How To Setup Fugger, Welser, Medici

  • Place the game board in the center of the table.
  • Distribute player tokens and resources cards to each player.
  • Place money tokens and influence markers within reach of all players.
  • Gameplay Mechanics and Game Objective

    Players engage in auctions, commodity speculation, pick-up and deliver, and trading to increase their wealth and influence. The objective is to become the most powerful trading family by accumulating the most wealth and influence.

    Player Experience


  • Strategic depth with multiple ways to achieve victory
  • Negotiation and player interaction add excitement
  • Historical theme adds immersion
  • Cons:

  • Long runtime may deter some players
  • Steep learning curve for newcomers
  • Limited replayability due to fixed strategies
  • Personal Thoughts on Fugger, Welser, Medici

    Fugger, Welser, Medici offers a unique blend of economic and political gameplay set in a historical context. While the game has its strengths in strategic depth and player interaction, the long runtime and learning curve may turn off casual players. The build quality is decent, and the game is priced reasonably for its category. However, availability may be limited for new copies, so it’s worth considering alternatives if you’re unable to find a copy. Overall, Fugger, Welser, Medici is a game that will appeal to fans of economic and negotiation games, but may not be for everyone.

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