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Franco-Prussian War 40: August 1870 – March 1871 (2012) Board Game

The Franco-Prussian War, which took place from August 1870 to March 1871, was a significant conflict between the Second French Empire and the Kingdom of Prussia, supported by the North German Confederation. The war ultimately led to the unification of Germany and the establishment of the German Empire. This board game aims to simulate the key battles and events of this historical period, allowing players to experience the strategic challenges faced by both sides.

Game Components of Franco-Prussian War 40: August 1870

  • March 1871
  • Hexagon Grid Map
  • Battle Cards
  • Dice
  • Unit Counters
  • Rulebook
  • How To Setup Franco-Prussian War 40: August 1870

  • March 1871
  • Lay out the hexagon grid map.
  • Place unit counters on their designated starting locations.
  • Shuffle the battle cards and place them within reach.
  • Each player receives a set of dice.
  • Consult the rulebook for specific setup instructions.
  • Gameplay Mechanics and Game Objective

    The game is card-driven, with players using battle cards to determine their actions and outcomes. Dice rolling adds an element of chance to combat resolution. The objective is to strategically deploy units, engage in battles, and achieve victory conditions specific to each scenario.

    Player Experience


  • Historically accurate representation of the Franco-Prussian War.
  • Strategic depth and replayability.
  • Secret unit deployment adds a layer of tactical decision-making.
  • Engaging for history enthusiasts and wargame fans.
  • Cons:

  • Steep learning curve for new players.
  • Limited components compared to more modern board games.
  • Requires careful planning and foresight, which may not appeal to casual gamers.
  • Personal Thoughts on Franco-Prussian War 40: August 1870

  • March 1871
  • As a history buff and wargame enthusiast, I appreciate the attention to detail and historical accuracy in Franco-Prussian War

  • The game offers a challenging and immersive experience, allowing players to step into the shoes of military commanders during a pivotal moment in European history. While the components may feel a bit dated compared to newer board games, the gameplay mechanics and strategic depth make up for it. Overall, I believe this game is worth the time and investment for those with a keen interest in military history and strategic gameplay. However, casual gamers may find it too complex and time-consuming, so it may not be suitable for everyone.
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