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Formosa Flowers (2018) Board Game

Formosa Flowers is a card game released in 2018, designed by Kuo Li Chi and illustrated by Soso Studio. The game is set in Taiwan, formerly known as Formosa, and features beautiful artwork of various flowers found on the island. With a runtime of 15–30 minutes and recommended for players aged 8 and above, Formosa Flowers is a light and engaging set collection game.

Game Components of Formosa Flowers

  • Flower cards featuring different species found in Taiwan
  • Scoring tokens
  • Rulebook
  • How To Setup Formosa Flowers

  • Shuffle the flower cards and deal a certain number to each player, depending on the player count.
  • Place the remaining cards in the center as a draw pile.
  • Set up the scoring tokens within reach of all players.
  • Gameplay Mechanics and Game Objective

    In Formosa Flowers, players take turns collecting sets of flower cards to earn points. Each flower card has a point value, and players can also earn bonus points for collecting a variety of different flowers. The objective is to have the most points by the end of the game.

    Player Experience


  • Beautiful artwork showcasing Taiwanese flowers
  • Quick gameplay suitable for all ages
  • Strategic depth in collecting sets for maximum points
  • Cons:

  • Limited player interaction
  • Luck of the draw can heavily influence outcomes
  • Personal Thoughts on Formosa Flowers

    Formosa Flowers is a visually appealing card game that offers a relaxing and enjoyable experience. While the game lacks intense player interaction, it provides a pleasant way to spend 15–30 minutes with friends or family. The build quality of the game components is decent, and the pricing for a new copy is reasonable. However, considering the limited replay value and the availability of similar set collection games on the market, Formosa Flowers may not be a top choice for serious gamers. It is worth trying out for casual players who appreciate the theme of Taiwanese flowers and are looking for a light and engaging game to pass the time. Overall, Formosa Flowers is recommended for those who enjoy simple card games with a focus on set collection.

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