A board game box titled "Forbidden Island" by Gamewright, with an artistic depiction of a lighthouse on a cliff, palm trees, and a sunset sky. Text on the box indicates it's for 2-4 players, ages 10 and up.
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Forbidden Island (2010)

Forbidden Island

Forbidden Island is a cooperative board game developed by Matt Leacock and published by Gamewright Games in 2010. The game is situated on a mysterious island where players take on the roles of different adventurers, moving around a board collecting treasures and trying to escape before the island sinks. Forbidden Island was the secluded retreat of an ancient mystical empire known as the Archeans. Legend has it that the Archeans possessed the ability to control the Earth’s elements
– fire, wind, water, and earth
– through four sacred treasures: The Crystal of Fire, The Statue of the Wind, The Ocean’s Chalice, and The Earth Stone.

Why is Forbidden Island Popular?

Forbidden Island is a visually stunning cooperative board game that relies on cooperation rather than competition. It is a game that is fun for all ages and experience levels ranging from hard-core gamers to casual gamers to novices. The game has won several awards, including the Golden Geek Best Children’s Board Game 2010, Mensa Select 2010, and UK Game Expo Best Family/Children’s Game 2011.

Game Components of Forbidden Island

– 24 island tiles
– 58 cards
– 6 pawns
– 4 treasure figurines
– A water meter
– All in a nice metal tin roughly the size of a large hardcover book

Game Setup of Forbidden Island

Players choose their adventurer and take the corresponding pawn. The island tiles are arranged in a specific pattern, and the treasure figurines are placed on the corresponding tiles. The water meter is set to the starting level, and the deck of flood cards is shuffled and placed face down. Players are dealt a hand of treasure cards, and the game begins.

Gameplay Mechanics of Forbidden Island

Players take turns performing three actions, such as moving to an adjacent tile, shoring up a flooded tile, or collecting a treasure. After each player’s turn, flood cards are drawn, and the corresponding tiles are flooded or sunk. If a tile is sunk, the corresponding treasure figurine is removed from the game. The water level also rises as the game progresses, making it more difficult to move around the board and avoid sinking tiles.

Game Objective of Forbidden Island

The objective of the game is to collect all four treasures and escape from the island before it sinks. If any player or the island sinks before the treasures are collected, the game is lost.

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