Board game "Forbidden Bridge" packaging featuring an adventurer on a bridge with an idol head in the background, the game title in stylized text, and the Hasbro logo.
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Forbidden Bridge (1992)

Forbidden Bridge

“Forbidden Bridge” is a board game first released in 1992 by Milton Bradley. The game simulates being a treasure hunter and is set in a motorized adventure, where explorers attempt to bring back gems from a lost civilization. The game is in two halves: moving across a static river and navigating a jungle.

Why is Forbidden Bridge Popular?

The game is popular and significant because it offers a unique blend of adventure and strategy, allowing players to immerse themselves in a world of exploration and treasure hunting. Additionally, the game has been re-released by Hasbro Gaming, ensuring its continued availability for new and old fans alike.

Game Components of Forbidden Bridge

The game includes the following components:
– 4 jungle backdrop inserts
– 4 explorer pawns
– 4 canoes
– 15 jewels
– 2 dice

Game Setup of Forbidden Bridge

To set up the game, players place the jungle backdrop inserts on the table and arrange the explorer pawns, canoes, and jewels within reach. The game is designed for 2 to 4 players, and each player chooses a color to represent their explorer.

Gameplay Mechanics of Forbidden Bridge

In the first half of the game, players move their explorer pawns across the static river using the canoes. The goal is to collect as many jewels as possible while avoiding being caught by the crocodile, which is represented by a die. The player who collects the most jewels wins the game.

Game Objective of Forbidden Bridge

The objective of the game is to collect as many jewels as possible while navigating the jungle and avoiding the crocodile. The game is divided into two halves, and the player who collects the most jewels in both halves wins.

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