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Flapjack Flipout (2020) Board Game

Flapjack Flipout is a fast-paced action and dexterity board game that was released in in 2020. Designed by Thea Baldwin and featuring artwork by Mind the Gap Studios, this game falls under the category of food and cooking-themed games. It is suitable for players aged 8 and above and can accommodate 2 to 6 players.

Game Components of Flapjack Flipout

  • Flapjack Flipout game board
  • Pancake stack pieces
  • Spatula
  • Timer
  • Instruction booklet
  • How To Setup Flapjack Flipout

  • Place the game board in the center of the table.
  • Shuffle the pancake stack pieces and place them face down on the designated spaces on the board.
  • Each player chooses a spatula.
  • Set the timer to the desired game length.
  • Gameplay Mechanics and Game Objective

    Players take turns using their spatulas to flip over pancake stack pieces on the board. The objective is to find matching pairs of pancakes before the timer runs out. The player with the most pairs at the end of the game wins.

    Player Experience


  • Fast-paced and engaging gameplay
  • Suitable for players of all ages
  • Encourages quick thinking and dexterity skills
  • Cons

  • Limited replay value
  • Some players may find the game too simple or repetitive
  • Personal Thoughts on Flapjack Flipout

    Flapjack Flipout is a fun and lighthearted game that is perfect for family game nights or casual gatherings. While it may not offer the depth of strategy found in more complex board games, its simplicity and quick gameplay make it a great choice for players looking for a light and entertaining experience. The build quality of the components is good, and the theme adds a playful touch to the overall experience.

    In terms of pricing and availability, Flapjack Flipout can be found at various retailers and online stores. While it may not be a must-have addition to every board game collection, it is worth considering for those who enjoy action and dexterity games. Players who prefer more strategic or immersive gameplay experiences may want to explore other options.

    Overall, Flapjack Flipout is a charming and enjoyable game that is well-suited for families and casual gamers. It offers a unique twist on the traditional memory game genre and provides a good balance of challenge and fun. If you’re looking for a light-hearted and engaging board game to add to your collection, Flapjack Flipout is definitely worth checking out.

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