Illustration of a scenic fjord with steep green cliffs, a tall waterfall, and a sailboat on the water, titled "FJORDS" by Franz-Benno Delonge, illustrated by Beth Sobel.
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Fjords (2022)

Fjords is a tile-based German-style board game designed by Franz-Benno Delonge and published in 2005 by Hans im Glück and Rio Grande Games. The game is set in a Viking landscape and has gained popularity due to its strategic gameplay and unique theme.


Fjords was originally released in 2005 and has since been republished in 2022 by Grail Games. The game was designed to be strictly limited to two players, making it a unique addition to the board gaming scene.

Why is Fjords Popular?

Fjords is popular for several reasons:
– Strategic Gameplay: The game involves tile placement and resource management, requiring players to strategize and make tactical decisions.
– Unique Theme: The Viking landscape and exploration theme make the game stand out and appeal to fans of historical and cultural board games.
– Two-Player Focus: The game is designed for two players, which can create a more intimate and competitive experience compared to larger multiplayer games.

Game Components of Fjords

The Game Components of Fjords include:
– Hexagonal tiles
– Four villages
– Tokens of each player’s color

Game Setup of Fjords

Prepare the Game Components of Fjords by laying out the hexagonal tiles and placing the four villages on the table. Determine the starting player and begin the game.

Gameplay Mechanics of Fjords

Fjords is played in two phases: exploration and expansion.
– Exploration: Players draw random hexagonal tiles and place them on the gaming table in alternating sequence to form a map. Tile edges must consistently match with respect to terrain types (clear land, mountain, and water).
– Expansion: Players expand from their villages by placing tokens of their color on the tiles. The player who succeeds in placing the most tokens (by cutting off the other player’s access to tiles) wins the game.

Game Objective of Fjords

The objective of Fjords is to explore a landscape in search of a place where the clan members of your Viking tribe can settle permanently. Players must strategically place their tokens to claim the most land and deny their opponent access to tiles.

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