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First Class: All Aboard the Orient Express! (2016) Board Game

First Class: All Aboard the Orient Express! is a board game designed by Helmut Ohley and published by Hans im Glück in in 2016. The game is set in the luxurious Orient Express train, where players act as wealthy travelers trying to build the most prestigious train cars and complete routes to earn points. With a mix of open drafting, set collection, and variable set-up mechanics, First Class offers a unique and engaging gameplay experience.

Game Components of First Class: All Aboard the Orient Express!

  • Train Car cards
  • Passenger cards
  • Action cards
  • Goal cards
  • Player boards
  • Scoring tokens
  • Rulebook
  • How To Setup First Class: All Aboard the Orient Express!

  • Shuffle the Train Car cards and place them in a row.
  • Shuffle the Passenger cards and place them in a deck.
  • Each player receives a player board and a set of scoring tokens.
  • Determine the starting player and begin the game.
  • Gameplay Mechanics and Game Objective

    In First Class, players take turns drafting Train Car cards, Passenger cards, and Action cards to build their train cars and complete routes. By strategically choosing cards and fulfilling objectives, players earn points to win the game. The game offers a mix of luck and strategy, as players must adapt to changing conditions and make the best choices to maximize their score.

    Player Experience


  • Engaging mix of mechanics
  • Beautiful artwork and components
  • Strategic depth with variable set-up
  • Replayability with different card combinations
  • Cons:

  • Can be overwhelming for new players
  • Luck can play a significant role in card draws
  • Some players may find the game too complex or competitive
  • Personal Thoughts on First Class: All Aboard the Orient Express!

    First Class: All Aboard the Orient Express! is a beautifully designed and engaging board game that offers a unique gameplay experience. The mix of mechanics keeps the game interesting, and the strategic depth provides a challenge for seasoned players. While the game may be overwhelming for new players, it offers a rewarding experience for those willing to invest the time to learn the rules and strategies.

    In terms of build quality, the components are well-made and durable, making the game a good investment for those who enjoy tabletop gaming. The game’s category as a card game with a train theme appeals to fans of both genres, offering a refreshing take on traditional board game mechanics.

    In terms of pricing and availability, First Class: All Aboard the Orient Express! can be found both new and used online, with prices varying depending on the condition and edition of the game. For fans of card games and trains, this game is definitely worth the investment and provides hours of entertainment for players looking for a challenging and engaging gameplay experience.

    Overall, First Class: All Aboard the Orient Express! is a game worth your time if you enjoy strategic gameplay and immersive themes. For those who appreciate complexity and depth in board games, this is a must-have addition to your collection. However, casual gamers or those looking for a more relaxed experience may want to skip this one in favor of simpler alternatives.

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