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Fireworks (2017) Board Game

Fireworks Board Game, released in 2017, is a fun and colorful game designed by Aza Chen. The game is all about creating stunning fireworks displays with a unique twist of action and dexterity. Players will strategically place cards in a specific pattern to create the most impressive fireworks show.

Game Components of Fireworks

  • Fireworks cards
  • Fireworks tokens
  • Fuse tokens
  • Rulebook
  • How To Setup Fireworks

  • Shuffle the Fireworks cards and place them face down in the center of the table.
  • Each player receives a set of Fireworks tokens and fuse tokens.
  • Determine the starting player and give them the starting player token.
  • The game is ready to begin!
  • Gameplay Mechanics and Game Objective

    Players take turns drawing cards and placing them in a grid to create a pattern that matches the cards drawn. The objective is to create the most impressive fireworks display by strategically placing the cards in the correct order.

    Player Experience


  • Easy to learn and play
  • Colorful and engaging artwork
  • Strategic gameplay with a twist of dexterity
  • Quick gameplay, perfect for a short gaming session
  • Cons

  • Limited replay value
  • Luck plays a significant role in the game
  • Personal Thoughts on Fireworks

    Fireworks is a delightful game that offers a unique blend of strategy and dexterity. The game is well-designed with beautiful artwork and simple mechanics that make it accessible to players of all ages. While it may lack depth for more experienced gamers, it is a great choice for families and casual gamers looking for a fun and engaging game to play together. The pricing and availability of Fireworks are reasonable, making it a worthwhile addition to any game collection. Overall, Fireworks is a game worth trying out, especially for those who enjoy action/dexterity games with a touch of pattern building.

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