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Field Command (1991) Board Game

Field Command is a Napoleonic-themed wargame released in in 1991. Designed by Félix Philippoteaux, this game pits two players against each other in a strategic battle set during the Napoleonic Wars.

Game Components of Field Command

  • Game board
  • Rulebook
  • Game pieces representing different military units
  • Action cards
  • Dice
  • How To Setup Field Command

  • Lay out the game board on a flat surface.
  • Place the game pieces on their designated starting positions.
  • Shuffle the action cards and place them face down.
  • Each player takes turns drawing action cards and using them to strategically move their units.
  • Gameplay Mechanics and Game Objective

    In Field Command, players must strategically move their military units across the game board to outmaneuver and defeat their opponent. The game incorporates elements such as action queue, grid movement, rock-paper-scissors, simultaneous action selection, and a square grid layout. The objective is to strategically plan your moves to outwit your opponent and emerge victorious in battle.

    Player Experience


  • Engaging strategic gameplay
  • Unique Napoleonic theme
  • Simultaneous action selection adds a layer of unpredictability
  • Cons:

  • Long runtime of 180 minutes may be too lengthy for some players
  • Limited player interaction due to simultaneous action selection
  • Personal Thoughts on Field Command

    Field Command offers a deep strategic experience for players who enjoy wargames set in the Napoleonic era. The build quality of the components is solid, and the artwork is thematic and immersive. However, the game’s long runtime and limited player interaction may not appeal to all players.

    In terms of pricing and availability, Field Command can be found both new and used, with prices varying depending on the condition of the game. For fans of Napoleonic wargames, Field Command is definitely worth a try. However, those who prefer shorter game lengths or more player interaction may want to consider alternative options. Overall, Field Command is a solid choice for players looking to immerse themselves in strategic warfare set during the Napoleonic Wars.

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