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Fall of Berlin (1998) Board Game

Fall of Berlin is a board game that was released in 1998, designed by Gary Graber and published by Minden Games. The game is set during World War II and focuses on the final battle for Berlin between the Soviet and German forces. Players take on the roles of either the Soviet or German commanders, strategizing and deploying their units to secure victory.

Game Components of Fall of Berlin:

  • Game board depicting the city of Berlin
  • Player cards for Soviet and German forces
  • Dice for combat resolution
  • Various tokens and markers for unit placement and tracking
  • How To Setup Fall of Berlin:

  • Place the game board in the center of the table.
  • Each player selects their side (Soviet or German) and takes the corresponding player cards.
  • Place the unit tokens and markers within reach of both players.
  • Determine the starting positions for each player’s units on the board.
  • Gameplay Mechanics and Game Objective:

    The game is a combination of Campaign / Battle Card Driven, Dice Rolling, Events, Point to Point Movement, and Secret Unit Deployment mechanics. The objective is to either capture or defend key locations in Berlin, ultimately leading to the fall of the city.

    Player Experience:


  • Engaging and thematic gameplay that captures the intensity of the Battle of Berlin.
  • Strategic depth with multiple paths to victory for both players.
  • Historical accuracy in unit composition and deployment.
  • Cons:

  • Steep learning curve for new players.
  • Limited replay value due to fixed starting positions and objectives.
  • Some players may find the game length to be too short or too long.
  • Personal Thoughts on Fall of Berlin:

    Fall of Berlin is a solid wargame that offers a unique perspective on the final days of World War II. The build quality is good, with sturdy components that enhance the overall gameplay experience. The game falls into the mid-range pricing category, making it accessible to most players. Both new and used copies are readily available, though new copies may be harder to find.

    In terms of alternatives and similar games, players who enjoy the historical setting and strategic depth of Fall of Berlin may also appreciate titles like Axis & Allies or Memoir ‘

  • Overall, Fall of Berlin is worth your time if you’re a fan of World War II-themed games and enjoy tactical challenges. It’s best suited for players looking for a medium-weight wargame experience and those interested in the Battle of Berlin specifically. Players who prefer shorter, more casual games may want to skip this one.
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