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Eye to Eye (2004) Board Game

Eye to Eye is a party game released in 2004 by SimplyFun. Designed by Damon S. Brown and Allison Kline, the game is suitable for 3 to 6 players aged 12 and above. The game aims to challenge players to think alike in order to score points.

Game Components of Eye to Eye

  • Game board
  • 6 player pawns
  • 160 question cards
  • 6 scoring tokens
  • How To Setup Eye to Eye

  • Place the game board in the center of the table.
  • Each player chooses a pawn and places it on the starting space.
  • Shuffle the question cards and place them face down.
  • Each player takes a scoring token.
  • Gameplay Mechanics and Game Objective

    In Eye to Eye, players take turns rolling the dice and moving around the board. When landing on a space, players draw a question card and try to guess how many other players will answer the same way. The objective is to match answers with other players to earn points and advance on the board.

    Player Experience

    One of the pros of Eye to Eye is its simple gameplay mechanics, making it easy for players of all ages to enjoy. The game encourages communication and teamwork as players try to think alike to score points. However, some players may find the questions repetitive after multiple playthroughs.

    Personal Thoughts on Eye to Eye

    Eye to Eye is a fun party game that offers a unique spin on the traditional board game experience. While the game may not have the most advanced components or mechanics, its simplicity can be refreshing for casual players. The pricing and availability of Eye to Eye may vary, but it can be worth your time if you enjoy light-hearted games that focus on teamwork and communication. Players who enjoy similar party games like Codenames or Telestrations may also appreciate Eye to Eye. Overall, Eye to Eye is a solid choice for game nights with friends and family.

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