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Expeditions: Around the World (1996) Board Game

Expeditions: Around the World is a board game designed by Wolfgang Kramer and published by AMIGO in in 1996. The game takes players on a journey around the world, focusing on adventure, exploration, and transportation. With a mix of strategy and luck, players must race against each other to complete expeditions and be the first to return home.

Game Components of Expeditions: Around the World

  • Game board
  • Player tokens
  • Expedition cards
  • Travel cards
  • Destination cards
  • Dice
  • How To Setup Expeditions: Around the World

  • Lay out the game board.
  • Shuffle the expedition and destination cards.
  • Each player chooses a token and places it on the starting space.
  • Deal out travel cards to each player.
  • Roll the dice to determine the starting player.
  • Gameplay Mechanics and Game Objective

    Players must travel around the world, completing expeditions and collecting destination cards. By strategically using travel cards and navigating the board, players aim to be the first to return home with the most completed expeditions.

    Player Experience


  • Educational aspects of learning about different destinations.
  • Engaging gameplay with a mix of strategy and luck.
  • Replay value with different strategies to try out.
  • Cons:

  • Limited player interaction.
  • Some luck elements may frustrate more strategic players.
  • Setup and learning curve may deter casual players.
  • Personal Thoughts on Expeditions: Around the World

    Expeditions: Around the World is a well-designed game that offers a mix of educational value and entertainment. The components are of good quality, and the gameplay is engaging for those interested in travel and exploration. However, the game may not be suitable for those looking for intense player interaction or deep strategic gameplay.

    In terms of pricing and availability, Expeditions: Around the World can be found in the secondary market for reasonable prices. For those interested in adventure and exploration-themed games, this is a worthy addition to your collection. However, for players seeking more competitive or interactive experiences, this game may not be the best fit.

    Overall, Expeditions: Around the World is a solid choice for families, casual gamers, and those interested in travel-themed board games. It offers a fun and educational experience that is worth your time if you enjoy the genre. However, those looking for more complex gameplay or intense competition may want to consider other options.

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