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Evolution: Climate (2016) Board Game

Evolution: Climate is a stand-alone game based on the popular board game Evolution. It was released in 2016 by NorthStar Game Studio and designed by Dominic Crapuchettes, Dmitry Knorre, and Sergey Machin. The game focuses on the impact of climate change on the ecosystem and challenges players to adapt their species to survive in a changing environment.

Game Components of Evolution: Climate

  • Climate board
  • Player boards
  • Species boards
  • Trait cards
  • Food tokens
  • Population markers
  • Element markers
  • Climate cubes
  • How To Setup Evolution: Climate

  • Place the climate board in the center of the table.
  • Each player receives a player board and species board.
  • Populate the watering hole with food tokens.
  • Shuffle the trait cards and deal them to each player.
  • Place the climate cubes on the climate track.
  • Gameplay Mechanics and Game Objective

    In Evolution: Climate, players must adapt their species to survive in a changing climate. They do this by giving their species traits that help them gather food, avoid predators, and thrive in different environmental conditions. Players must also manage their population and ensure their species can withstand the challenges of climate change. The objective of the game is to have the most successful species at the end of the game.

    Player Experience

    One of the pros of Evolution: Climate is its educational value, as it teaches players about the impact of climate change on ecosystems. The game also offers strategic depth and replayability, as players must adapt their strategies based on the changing climate and their opponents’ actions. However, some players may find the game’s rules and mechanics complex, especially for new players. Additionally, the game can be competitive and may not be suitable for casual gamers looking for a more relaxed experience.

    Personal Thoughts on Evolution: Climate

    Overall, Evolution: Climate is a well-designed game that offers a unique and engaging experience for players interested in strategy and environmental themes. The build quality of the game components is excellent, and the artwork is visually appealing. The game is priced moderately and is widely available both new and used. For fans of the original Evolution game or those interested in environmental themes, Evolution: Climate is definitely worth your time. However, casual gamers or those looking for a lighter gaming experience may want to skip this game. Players who enjoy simulation games and strategic thinking will find Evolution: Climate to be a rewarding and challenging experience.

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