A board game cover titled "Escape from the Hidden Castle" with an illustration featuring a castle under a moonlit sky and stylized characters: one running towards the castle and another falling into a trap door with the text "Wolfgang Kramer," "Ages 7 to Adult," and "2-8 Players" displayed at the bottom. The logo "AMIGO" is in the lower right corner.
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Escape from the Hidden Castle (1989)

Escape from the Hidden Castle

“Escape from the Hidden Castle” (also known as “Midnight Party”) is a board game published in 1989 by Ravensburger / Fisher-Price.

Why is Escape from the Hidden Castle Popular?

The game is popular and significant because it:
– Combines strategy and luck, making it appealing to a wide range of players, including kids, teens, and families.
– Features a unique gameplay mechanic where the Phantom moves on its own and speeds up as the game progresses, adding an element of excitement and challenge.
– Has a simple yet engaging theme of escaping from a hidden castle, which captures the imagination of players.

Game Components of Escape from the Hidden Castle

The Game Components of Escape from the Hidden Castle include:
– A game board representing a hidden castle.
– A Phantom piece that moves on its own during the game.
– Guest tokens for players.
– A die to determine the number of spaces a player moves.

Game Setup of Escape from the Hidden Castle

To set up the game, place the game board in the center of the table and arrange the Phantom and guest tokens around the board. Each player chooses a guest token and places it on the starting space.

Gameplay Mechanics of Escape from the Hidden Castle

On each turn, a player rolls the die and moves their guest token the corresponding number of spaces. The Phantom moves one space closer to the guest token. The goal is to be the last player to be caught by the Phantom.

Game Objective of Escape from the Hidden Castle

The objective of the game is to be the last player to be caught by the Phantom while moving your guest token around the castle.

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