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El Grande: Grandissimo (2000) Board Game

El Grande: Grandissimo is an expansion for the base game El Grande, which was originally released in in 2000. The expansion was released in 2000 and adds new components and mechanics to the base game, enhancing the overall gameplay experience. The game is set in Renaissance Spain, where players take on the roles of Grandes vying for control over regions and influence at the royal court.

Game Components of El Grande: Grandissimo

  • 5 Action Cards
  • 5 Power Cards
  • 5 Region Cards
  • 5 Score Cards
  • 5 Summary Cards
  • 5 Playing Pieces
  • How To Setup El Grande: Grandissimo

  • Shuffle the action, power, and region cards.
  • Place the region cards on the corresponding regions on the board.
  • Each player takes a set of cards and playing pieces.
  • Determine the starting player and begin the game.
  • Gameplay Mechanics and Game Objective

    In El Grande: Grandissimo, players use action cards to bid for control over regions on the board. The game utilizes area majority/influence, auction/bidding, hand management, and simultaneous action selection mechanics. The objective is to accumulate the most points by controlling regions and earning influence at the royal court.

    Player Experience


  • Strategic depth with multiple ways to earn points.
  • Engaging player interaction through bidding and area control.
  • High replayability with variable setup and player powers.
  • Cons:

  • Steep learning curve for new players.
  • Can be prone to analysis paralysis with experienced players.
  • Luck of the draw with card hands may impact gameplay.
  • Personal Thoughts on El Grande: Grandissimo

    El Grande: Grandissimo is a solid expansion that adds new layers of strategy and complexity to the base game. The components are well-made, and the artwork is thematic and engaging. The game falls into the categories of expansion for base-game, political, renaissance, and territory building, offering a rich gameplay experience for fans of these genres.

    In terms of pricing and availability, El Grande: Grandissimo can be found in both new and used condition, with prices varying depending on the seller. For fans of the base game looking to enhance their gameplay experience, this expansion is definitely worth considering. However, for those who are not fans of area control games or prefer simpler mechanics, this may not be the best fit.

    Overall, El Grande: Grandissimo offers an immersive and strategic gameplay experience that is sure to appeal to fans of complex board games. It is worth your time if you enjoy deep strategy and player interaction, but may not be suitable for those looking for a lighter gaming experience.

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