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Drinkopoly (2014) Board Game

Drinkopoly is a mature/adult party game that was released in in 2014. It is designed for 1-69 players, with the best gameplay experienced with up to 6 players. The game is centered around drinking and features a mix of acting, dice rolling, and track movement mechanics.

Game Components of Drinkopoly

  • Drinkopoly game board
  • 6 pawns
  • Deck of 52 cards
  • Dice
  • Rulebook
  • How To Setup Drinkopoly

  • Place the game board in the center of the table.
  • Each player chooses a pawn and places it at the start space.
  • Shuffle the deck of cards and place it face down on the designated area on the board.
  • Roll the dice to determine who goes first.
  • Gameplay Mechanics and Game Objective

    Players take turns rolling the dice and moving their pawns around the board. Each space landed on corresponds to a card drawn from the deck, which contains various challenges and prompts related to drinking. The objective of the game is to successfully complete these challenges and prompts while having a good time with friends.

    Player Experience


  • Fun and engaging gameplay
  • Easy to learn and play
  • Great for social gatherings and parties
  • Cons:

  • Limited replay value
  • Not suitable for all audiences due to mature content
  • Personal Thoughts on Drinkopoly

    Drinkopoly is a fun and entertaining party game that is best enjoyed with a group of friends who are of legal drinking age. The game’s mature content may not be suitable for all players, but for those looking for a lighthearted and social drinking experience, Drinkopoly is worth considering. The build quality is decent, and the pricing and availability of both new and used versions are reasonable. Alternatives to Drinkopoly include similar party games like Kings Cup and Beer Pong. Overall, Drinkopoly is worth your time if you enjoy social drinking games, but it may not be suitable for everyone.

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