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Dogopoly (1977) Board Game

Dogopoly is a board game that was released in 1977 by the Late for the Sky Production Company. It is a property trading game that is similar to Monopoly, but with a canine twist. The game is designed for 2 to 8 players and is suitable for ages 8 and up. The objective of the game is to buy, trade, and sell dog-themed properties to become the wealthiest player.

Game Components of Dogopoly

  • Game board featuring various dog-themed properties
  • Dog-themed playing pieces
  • Property cards
  • Play money
  • Dice
  • How To Setup Dogopoly

  • Place the game board in the center of the table.
  • Each player chooses a dog-themed playing piece and places it on the “Go” space.
  • Shuffle the property cards and place them face down on the designated space on the board.
  • Give each player an equal amount of play money to start the game.
  • Gameplay Mechanics and Game Objective

    Players take turns rolling the dice and moving their playing pieces around the board. When a player lands on a property, they have the option to buy it or trade with other players. The objective of the game is to accumulate the most wealth by owning and developing properties.

    Player Experience


  • Fun dog-themed twist on the classic Monopoly game
  • Easy to learn and play
  • Great for dog lovers of all ages
  • Encourages strategic thinking and decision-making
  • Cons:

  • Game may take a long time to finish, especially with a full player count
  • Limited replay value once you have mastered the strategy
  • Components may not be as durable as other board games
  • Personal Thoughts on Dogopoly

    Overall, Dogopoly is a charming and entertaining board game that offers a unique twist on the classic Monopoly formula. The game is well-suited for dog lovers and families looking for a fun and lighthearted game to enjoy together. While the game may lack the depth and complexity of some other economic board games, it is still a worthwhile addition to any game collection. The pricing and availability of Dogopoly may vary, but it can often be found at online retailers and specialty game stores. For those who enjoy light-hearted strategy games and have a love for dogs, Dogopoly is definitely worth your time. However, if you are looking for a more intense and competitive gaming experience, you may want to consider other board games in the economic category.

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