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District Noir (2016) Board Game

District Noir is a two-player card game released in 2016 by Spiral Éditions. Designed by Nobutake Dogen and Nao Shimamura, the game features a unique theme of detective investigation set in a noir-inspired district. With a runtime of 10-20 minutes and suitable for players aged 10 and above, District Noir offers a quick and engaging gaming experience.

Game Components of District Noir

  • Deck of Investigation cards
  • Suspect cards
  • Evidence cards
  • Location cards
  • Player aid cards
  • Rulebook
  • How To Setup District Noir

  • Shuffle the Investigation cards and create a draw pile.
  • Place the Suspect cards in the center of the play area.
  • Each player is dealt a hand of Evidence cards.
  • Choose a starting player.
  • Gameplay Mechanics and Game Objective

    In District Noir, players take on the roles of detectives trying to solve a case by collecting evidence, visiting locations, and interrogating suspects. Through hand management, open drafting, and set collection, players aim to gather enough clues to identify the culprit and solve the case before their opponent.

    Player Experience


  • Quick gameplay
  • Strategic decision-making
  • Unique theme and artwork
  • Engaging two-player experience
  • Cons

  • Limited replayability
  • Some luck involved in card draws
  • Personal Thoughts on District Noir

    District Noir offers a compact and thematic gaming experience that is perfect for two players. The artwork and theme immerse players in a noir detective story, creating an immersive atmosphere. While the game may lack extensive depth and replay value, it is a fun and engaging option for casual gaming sessions. The build quality of the components is sturdy, and the pricing is reasonable for the gameplay experience offered.

    For fans of two-player card games and detective themes, District Noir is worth your time. However, players looking for more complex gameplay or higher replayability may find other games more suitable. Overall, District Noir is a solid choice for those seeking a quick and enjoyable gaming experience in a unique setting.

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