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Disaster on K2 (2011) Board Game

Disaster on K2 is a board game released in 2011 that simulates the treacherous conditions faced by climbers attempting to summit the second highest peak in the world. Designed by Scott Everts and Ray Flowers, the game challenges players to navigate the dangers of K2 while managing their resources and making strategic decisions to survive.

Game Components of Disaster on K2

  • Game board depicting the K2 mountain
  • Player tokens representing climbers
  • Resource cards for food, oxygen, and equipment
  • Event cards simulating various challenges and obstacles
  • Dice for determining outcomes of actions
  • How To Setup Disaster on K2

  • Place the game board in the center of the table.
  • Shuffle the resource and event cards separately and place them face down.
  • Each player selects a color and takes the corresponding player tokens.
  • Determine a starting player and begin the game.
  • Gameplay Mechanics and Game Objective

    Players take turns moving their climbers up the mountain, managing their resources, and dealing with events that can either help or hinder their progress. The objective is to reach the summit of K2 with as many climbers alive as possible, while also ensuring they have enough resources to survive the journey back down.

    Player Experience


  • Engaging theme that immerses players in the challenges of climbing K2.
  • Strategic gameplay that requires careful resource management and decision-making.
  • Solo gameplay option for those looking for a challenging experience.
  • Cons:

  • Limited replay value due to the fixed board layout and predetermined events.
  • Steep learning curve for new players unfamiliar with the rules and mechanics.
  • Personal Thoughts on Disaster on K2

    Disaster on K2 is a solid game that captures the intensity and danger of climbing one of the world’s most formidable peaks. The components are well-designed and the gameplay offers a good balance of strategy and luck. However, the game may not appeal to those looking for a more dynamic or competitive experience, as it is primarily focused on solo play and resource management.

    In terms of pricing and availability, Disaster on K2 can be found online through various retailers, both new and used. While the game may not be suitable for everyone, those who enjoy thematic and challenging board games may find it worth their time. Ultimately, it is a niche game that caters to a specific audience interested in mountaineering and survival themes. Players looking for alternatives or similar games may also consider titles like “K2: The Board Game” or “Everest” for a different take on the climbing genre.

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