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Dinomeal (2010) Board Game

Dinomeal is a fun and interactive board game that was released in in 2010. It is designed for 1 to 4 players, with the best experience being for 2 players. The game has a runtime of around 20 minutes and is suitable for children aged 5 and above. The game is categorized under Action/Dexterity, Animals, Children’s Game, and Electronic, with gameplay centered around dice rolling.

Game Components of Dinomeal

  • Dinosaur game board
  • Electronic dinosaur
  • 4 dinosaur playing pieces
  • 20 dinosaur eggs
  • 1 dice
  • How To Setup Dinomeal

  • Place the dinosaur game board in the center of the table.
  • Each player chooses a dinosaur playing piece and places it on the start space.
  • Place the dinosaur eggs in a pile near the board.
  • Turn on the electronic dinosaur.
  • Roll the dice to determine who goes first.
  • Gameplay Mechanics and Game Objective

    The objective of Dinomeal is to be the first player to feed your dinosaur 3 dinosaur eggs. Players take turns rolling the dice and moving their dinosaur playing piece around the board. The electronic dinosaur will randomly pop out eggs, and players must collect them to feed their dinosaur.

    Player Experience


  • Fun and interactive gameplay
  • Easy to learn and play
  • Engaging for children and adults alike
  • Quick gameplay with a short runtime
  • Cons:

  • Limited replay value
  • The electronic dinosaur may be unpredictable at times
  • Personal Thoughts on Dinomeal

    In my opinion, Dinomeal is a great game for families with young children. The build quality is decent, and the electronic dinosaur adds an exciting element to the gameplay. However, the game may lack depth for older players and may not offer enough replay value. The game is priced reasonably and is widely available in both new and used condition. Alternatives to Dinomeal include similar dinosaur-themed board games such as Dino Dump and Dino Meal Time. Overall, Dinomeal is worth your time if you are looking for a fun and interactive game for young children, but adults may find it lacking in complexity.

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