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Die Pyramiden des Jaguar (2002) Board Game

Die Pyramiden des Jaguar, also known as The Pyramids of the Jaguar, is a card game released in in 2002. Designed by Günter Burkhardt and published by 999 Games, it is a game for 2 players with a runtime of around 45 minutes. The game falls under the category of card games and involves hand management and the “I Cut, You Choose” mechanism.

Game Components of Die Pyramiden des Jaguar

  • Deck of cards
  • Pyramid tiles
  • Player tokens
  • How To Setup Die Pyramiden des Jaguar

  • Shuffle the deck of cards and place it in the center of the play area.
  • Place the pyramid tiles in a pyramid formation.
  • Each player receives a set number of player tokens.
  • Gameplay Mechanics and Game Objective

    In Die Pyramiden des Jaguar, players take turns drawing cards from the deck and using them strategically to build the pyramid. The objective is to score points by completing pyramid layers and collecting tokens.

    Player Experience


  • Quick gameplay with simple rules
  • Strategic decision-making with the “I Cut, You Choose” mechanic
  • Engaging for 2 players
  • Cons

  • Limited replay value
  • Some may find the game too luck-based
  • Components could be of higher quality
  • Personal Thoughts on Die Pyramiden des Jaguar

    Die Pyramiden des Jaguar offers a unique twist on card games with its pyramid-building mechanic. While the game is enjoyable for 2 players, it may not offer enough depth for repeated plays. The build quality of the components could be improved, considering the pricing and availability of the game, both used and new. Players looking for alternatives and similar games may find Die Pyramiden des Jaguar worth their time, especially if they enjoy strategic card games with a twist. However, it may not be suitable for those seeking more complex gameplay or solo options.

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