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Deadwood (2011) Board Game

Deadwood is a board game set in the American West during the gold rush era. Players take on the roles of entrepreneurs looking to build the best town in Deadwood, South Dakota. The game was released in 2011 by Dust Games and designed by Loïc Lamy, featuring artwork by Miguel Coimbra, Nicolas Fructus, Édouard Guiton, and Goulven Quentel.

Game Components of Deadwood

  • Modular board
  • Tiles for building structures
  • Worker meeples
  • Dice
  • Resource tokens
  • Player markers
  • Rulebook
  • How To Setup Deadwood

  • Lay out the modular board in the center of the table.
  • Shuffle the building tiles and place them face down near the board.
  • Give each player their player markers, worker meeples, and resources.
  • Roll the dice to determine starting player.
  • Begin the game!
  • Gameplay Mechanics and Game Objective

    Players take turns placing their worker meeples on different locations on the board to gather resources, build structures, and compete for points. The objective is to strategically build the best town in Deadwood by the end of the game.

    Player Experience


  • Engaging theme and setting in the American West
  • Strategic gameplay with multiple paths to victory
  • Modular board adds replayability
  • Cons

  • Some players may find the game mechanics a bit complex
  • Luck of the dice can heavily influence outcomes
  • Personal Thoughts on Deadwood

    Deadwood is a solid board game with a unique theme and enjoyable gameplay. The build quality of the components is good, and the artwork is well-done. The game falls under the category of city building, offering a different experience from other board games. While the pricing and availability of Deadwood may vary, it is worth considering for fans of the American West theme and strategic gameplay.

    For those who enjoy games with dice rolling, tile placement, and worker placement mechanics, Deadwood is a good choice. However, players who prefer simpler games or those looking for faster gameplay may want to skip this one. Overall, Deadwood offers a fun and engaging experience for players who enjoy building and competing in a Wild West setting.

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