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Dead Money (2006) Board Game

Dead Money is a card game released in 2006 by designer Brian Snoddy and Cheapass Games. It falls under the categories of Horror, Humor, and Zombies, making it a unique and intriguing game for players who enjoy those themes. The game focuses on betting and bluffing mechanics, adding an element of strategy and suspense to the gameplay.

Game Components of Dead Money

  • Deck of Dead Money cards
  • Rulebook
  • How To Setup Dead Money

  • Shuffle the deck of Dead Money cards.
  • Deal each player a hand of cards.
  • Follow the rules outlined in the rulebook for gameplay.
  • Gameplay Mechanics and Game Objective

    In Dead Money, players must use their cards to bet and bluff their way to victory. The objective is to outsmart your opponents and accumulate the most points by the end of the game. With elements of strategy and deception, players must carefully choose their actions to come out on top.

    Player Experience


  • Unique theme of horror, humor, and zombies
  • Betting and bluffing mechanics add excitement to gameplay
  • Quick runtime of 20 minutes makes it a great option for a short game night
  • Cons:

  • Limited player count of 3-6 players
  • Some may find the gameplay repetitive after multiple rounds
  • Personal Thoughts on Dead Money

    Dead Money offers a refreshing take on card games with its blend of horror, humor, and zombies. While the limited player count may be a drawback for larger game nights, the betting and bluffing mechanics keep players engaged and on their toes. The game’s quick runtime makes it a convenient choice for a fun and fast-paced gaming experience.

    Overall, Dead Money is worth considering for players who enjoy unique themes and strategic gameplay. Its availability in both new and used markets makes it accessible to a variety of players. However, those who prefer games with higher player counts may want to look for alternatives.

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