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Darklight: Memento Mori (2018) Board Game

Darklight: Memento Mori is a cooperative dungeon crawler board game that was released in in 2018. Designed by Mauro Pane and illustrated by Dark Ice Games, the game falls under the categories of exploration, fantasy, fighting, and miniatures. With a runtime of 60-120 minutes, Darklight: Memento Mori is designed for 1-4 players aged 14 and above.

Game Components of Darklight: Memento Mori

  • Miniature figurines
  • Modular game board tiles
  • Action point tokens
  • Dice
  • Character sheets
  • Enemy cards
  • Item cards
  • How To Setup Darklight: Memento Mori

  • Set up the modular game board using the tiles provided.
  • Place the miniatures on their designated starting spaces.
  • Shuffle the enemy cards and place them in a draw pile.
  • Each player chooses a character sheet and takes the corresponding action point tokens.
  • Begin with the first player and start exploring the dungeon.
  • Gameplay Mechanics and Game Objective

    Darklight: Memento Mori uses action points, an action queue, and dice rolling mechanics. The objective of the game is for players to work together to defeat enemies, explore the dungeon, and ultimately defeat the final boss.

    Player Experience


  • Engaging cooperative gameplay
  • Detailed miniatures and artwork
  • Varied enemy types and challenges
  • Replay value with modular board tiles
  • Exciting dice rolling mechanics
  • Cons:

  • Steep learning curve for new players
  • Setup can be time-consuming
  • Limited player count of 1-4
  • Personal Thoughts on Darklight: Memento Mori

    Darklight: Memento Mori offers a rich and immersive experience for fans of dungeon crawler board games. The detailed miniatures and artwork enhance the overall gameplay, making each session feel like an epic adventure. However, the learning curve and setup time may be a deterrent for some players. In terms of pricing and availability, Darklight: Memento Mori can be found both new and used, with prices varying depending on the condition. For those who enjoy exploration, fantasy, and cooperative gameplay, Darklight: Memento Mori is definitely worth checking out. However, players who prefer simpler mechanics or larger player counts may want to skip this game. Alternatives such as Gloomhaven or Descent: Journeys in the Dark may be more suitable for those looking for a different experience.

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