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Cthulhu: Rise of the Cults (2017) Board Game

Cthulhu: Rise of the Cults is a board game released in 2017, designed by Richard Luong, Łukasz Matuszek, and Paweł Niziołek. The game is set in the Lovecraftian universe, where players take on the role of cult leaders vying for power and influence to summon the ancient and malevolent being, Cthulhu.

Game Components of Cthulhu: Rise of the Cults

  • Deck of cards
  • Miniatures
  • Dice
  • Game board
  • How To Setup Cthulhu: Rise of the Cults

  • Place the game board in the center of the table.
  • Each player chooses a cult leader miniature and places it on the starting space.
  • Shuffle the deck of cards and place them face down.
  • Roll dice to determine starting player.
  • Gameplay Mechanics and Game Objective

    In Cthulhu: Rise of the Cults, players compete to gain the most influence by controlling locations on the board, recruiting followers, and performing rituals to summon Cthulhu. The game combines elements of area control, deck-building, and dice rolling. The objective is to have the most influence points by the end of the game.

    Player Experience


  • Engaging theme and artwork
  • Mix of strategy and luck with dice rolling
  • Replayability with different strategies to explore
  • Cons

  • Some components may feel flimsy
  • Learning curve for new players
  • Limited player interaction
  • Personal Thoughts on Cthulhu: Rise of the Cults

    Cthulhu: Rise of the Cults offers a unique blend of mechanics set in the Lovecraftian universe. The game’s components are decent, although some may feel lacking in quality. The gameplay is engaging, but the learning curve may deter new players. For fans of horror and fantasy themes, this game offers an immersive experience. However, the limited player interaction may not appeal to everyone.

    In terms of pricing and availability, Cthulhu: Rise of the Cults can be found on the secondary market for a reasonable price. There are alternative games with similar mechanics, such as Arkham Horror or Eldritch Horror, for those looking for a deeper experience in the Lovecraftian genre. Overall, Cthulhu: Rise of the Cults is worth your time if you enjoy thematic games and are willing to overlook its minor flaws. It is recommended for fans of horror and fantasy genres, while those seeking heavy player interaction may want to skip this one.

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